When Midvalley Little League made Wesley an "Angel," well... they have quite a sense of humor, eh?
At this level of play (t-ball), "defense" consists of the entire team chasing after any ball hit onto the field. One smiling player emerges from the scrum with the ball held high in triumph. The others, angry and frustrated, look on as this triumphant one eventually tosses/rolls the ball in the general direction of 1st base/the parking lot.
The team that's batting sends every player to the plate every inning. The undersized bodies and oversized batting helmets make every player look a little top heavy. Everyone gets a base hit except the last batter -- who invariably hits a grand slam home run.
Thus, Wesley is batting 1.000 and has hit numerous home runs. But, as you can see in this photo, he's still a total ham and very down to earth. (For an Angel...)