Leaving the house... Wes is moments away from trick-or-treating. It took several houses before he became clear on the "trick or treat" concept -- which is weird, right? 1) We're outside at night (rare; semi-forbidden), 2) We're walking in the street (definitely forbidden), 3) We're knocking on lots of peoples' doors (bizarre), 4) They're all thrilled to see us (whatever), 5) They've all carved out a squash and put a candle in it (voodoo?) 6) They hold out a giant bowl of candy (unheard of) and 7) I'm encouraged to take some (is this a "trick"?)... And we're doing this over and over.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Ready to (Tootsie) Roll!
Leaving the house... Wes is moments away from trick-or-treating. It took several houses before he became clear on the "trick or treat" concept -- which is weird, right? 1) We're outside at night (rare; semi-forbidden), 2) We're walking in the street (definitely forbidden), 3) We're knocking on lots of peoples' doors (bizarre), 4) They're all thrilled to see us (whatever), 5) They've all carved out a squash and put a candle in it (voodoo?) 6) They hold out a giant bowl of candy (unheard of) and 7) I'm encouraged to take some (is this a "trick"?)... And we're doing this over and over.