Wednesday, September 20, 2006


"My nickname? What, do I have to spell it out for you?"

Wesley has foam-padded, interlocking letters that provide a cushiony play area. Since the alphabet's arrival, the hardwood floors have inflicted far fewer bumps to our Chop's head.

Friday, September 15, 2006

Toy Design 101

This "giant ball with spikes" wasn't such a big seller when it was made out of jagged steel. But in soft, squishy latex? Home run.

The Kid's Got No Poker Face

Smiles are common with Wes, but not constant. He's getting to the point where it's very obvious when he's happy -- and when he's not.

He's got no poker face when we play Texas Hold 'Em. You know when he has a full house or a straight flush. (Really, anything more than a pair of 10's gets him drooling.)

The photo below? It's his 2 - 7 (off suit) face. Go all in.

Sunday, September 03, 2006

"Muchas Grass-he-has, Senor!"

Before the giant liquidambar tree in the front yard blankets our lawn in reds, oranges and browns...

Before the after-dinner daylight dwindles from feature-length entertainment down to 30-second spots...

Wesley and I are trying to savor most evenings outside. And I've been pretty good at keeping him from eating the leaves.

Until last night.

Interesting note: The leaf retraced its steps back up and out of Wesley in pretty good shape. Wesley laughed about the whole thing. Shanon? Not so much laughter.