Sunday, October 29, 2006

Messley Hartford

You know how when you're dining with someone and they get a little piece of food hanging off their chin or maybe their lip, and you sort of dab at your own chin with a napkin, as a hint to them that, you know, "Hey, ya got a little somethin' right there..." and then they pick up on the hint and quickly wipe away the crumb or whatever?

I don't even know where to start with Wes.

"No, it's still there. A little lower."

Wesley Looks Up to Us

...or maybe he just looks up at us?

The cats aren't thrilled about Wesley's newfound mobility -- nor are they amused by his attempts to "pet" them (i.e. when he grabs a drool-drenched fistful of fur and squeals with laughter).

We humans, on the other hand, can't help but smile when this little face looks up and invites us to play.

Even if it's a game involving loud "singing" and clattering blocks on the hardwood floors at 5:42 a.m.

Right, Shanon?

Wesley in action!

World premiere footage of Wesley crawling:

More to come!

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Wesley will be in "X-Men 4"

So it turns out Wesley has telekinetic powers (which is why we haven't posted in a few weeks; we've needed to get a handle on this newly discovered "gift").

Shanon and I had been grumbling about this hideous beast of a car that's always parked at the end of our block. It's a red Bronco that's been made into a convertible with a chainsaw (I wish I were making this up). The fact that it's been further customized with a lift-kit and super-small wheels makes it even more attractive.

We kept joking that maybe one of our neighborhood's giant trees would fall on it or something. And then, early one morning...

Wes smiled up at me after he did it, looking for approval -- and I couldn't help myself. Gave the little guy a quick high-five as we bolted from the scene.