Monday, November 02, 2009

Halloweeeeeeee! 'n Other Miscellaneous Stuff

Finally! Fresh(ish) pictures! (Don't forget to click to enlarge?)

Quickly now, as I'm fading, and I'm expecting to be up with Wesley a lot tonight (see below post on bacteria, birthday, balls, etc.).

Phoebe was a kitten-like creature. The one pants-leg raised look is an L.A. gang thing. Don't ask. And I ALMOST 'shop'd out the red eye on Phoebe, but... It's Halloween, she's a cat, and it stays.

Neither Shanon nor I could find the time for costumes this year. Next Halloween, for sure!

Wesley was Thomas the Train (or Tank Engine, depending on whether you want to be accurate to Thomas lore)...

This picture was BEFORE trick or treating. You should have seen him two hours and 30 houses later...

Bacteria World Theme Park!

The whole family ventured to a birthday party for one of Wesley's classmates and we had a GREAT time! I'm assuming hoping that for this photo, kids were encouraged to make a silly face.

Wesley jumped into the ball pit, again and again. Phoebe only jumped in once. That was enough for her. Because remember: each of the brightly colored blue, green, yellow and red plastic balls represents millions and millions of bacteria. (The purple ones are viruses!)