Sunday, August 13, 2006

Not Trying to Read Too Much Into This, But...

Wesley loves books, loves holding them, loves turning their pages (and, yes, loves drooling on them -- what's your point?). I wonder if someday he'll show his children this photo and they'll all laugh about how old-fashioned, you know, actual "books" are.

Incidentally, the book Wesley is perusing here is called "Pajama Time," and follows a group of very upbeat and enthusiastic animals getting ready for bed.

Elephants, rhinos, cats, dogs, pigs and bunnies all putting on their sleepwear, singing and dancing, describing their pajamas: "...Some are fuzzy. Some are not. But we can all pajammy in whatever we got."

Um. "Pajammy"?

Shanon and I played Scrabble last night and -- trust me -- Wesley's already going to have enough trouble differentiating between real words and Shanon's ridiculous made-up words not-so-real words because both parents are, uh, let's call it "creative" on this front. Examples from last night include: ot, lume, polleny, quainger. (Full disclosure: the latter two were mine.)

I don't think we need to be confusing Wes with things like "pajammy" -- although if we were all playing Scrabble together we'd probably give it to him (assuming he wasn't winning -- we're pretty cutthroat with those little lettered tiles).